Thank You

I just want to Thank You for coming to my page and peering in on my progress! Thanks for your continued support!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Where I stand on my "Road to Weightloss"

I know there are alot of you out there wondering what the status of my weightloss is and where I stand in life. I must admit and with quite a bit of embarrassment that for the last two weeks I have really neglected my body.. I haven't been eating right and the gym seems like a thing of the past. I was chugging right along with the weight loss and it seemed to be melting off... All of a sudden the brakes on the weightloss train went on..I stopped losing weight and became very discouraged. I know I get on here and tell you guys not to be discouraged by the scale and here I am the biggest offender of it! I stopped hitting the gym and started eating like crap again. I am very ashamed to admit this but I want to share with you guys all my experiences along my long hard traveled road to weightloss. I have since made a pledge to get back in the gym and start eating right again. This little detour I made has made me realize just how much like shit I actually felt like before I started on my journey. There is going to be roadblocks and hazards on the road to weightloss and I realize this.. I have come so far and I cant stop now..I m taking this little detour as a challenge...We all know how easy it is to just say screw it.. throw in the flag and just give what you want and not go to the gym....That's the challenge I'm being faced with and I'm not gonna let it defeat me! Not at all!! I got knocked down flat on my ass these past two weeks and cant remember the last time I felt this crappy! Well guess what?!! I am coming out swinging and god bless anything that is in my way!! I m running full speed ahead on my road to weightloss and NOTHING will stop me now!!! NOTHING!! I can almost see the end and I m not quiting until Im there! I ask these couple things of followers...friends...or family...DON'T GIVE UP!!! PLEASE DON'T!! If I have ever inspired you in anyway please message me on face book or email me @ You don't know how much it helps me when people come up to me and tell me I inspired them or that there proud of me and my accomplishments! Soo please let me know!! I'll keep it confidential don't worry!! and as I said before PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP!!! KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE AND DON'T STOP TILL YOU ACHIEVE YOUR GOAL!! I'm here for you!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Update on Everything

It's been quite sometime since I have posted a blog in regards to my road to weight loss. Alot has happened since the last post and some of it being good and some of it being bad. I actually completed my first 5k Road Race and completed it in 29:58! Alot of it had to do with the people I was there with and the whole purpose behind the race. It was for Autism Awareness and the guy in the picture here with me happens to be a good friend of mine and has a child with a mild form of Autism, so its the least I could do for such great people! I have still actively been going to the gym and I have also associated a weight lifting routine into my workouts. It consists of different weight lifting routines x3 days a week! I have seen and felt some results from it so far. I do want to bring everyone up to speed on my actual weight loss. I have actually been staying away from the scale and not been weighing myself as often as I once was. The problem with weighing yourself all the time is you set yourself up for disappointment, your body does weird things and your weight will fluctuate, if you step on the scale all the time you will see ups and downs in your weight and then you will get disappointed and throw the flag in. Well recently I happen to do this to myself... I got on the scale and it read 3 more lbs the I was at last weigh in.. I was pretty upset and down in the dumps.. well for a couple hours anyways! I thought good and hard about things and just remembered all the support and good things all of you have said to me and it made me realize something.. I'm about halfway to where I want to be and I'm no longer carrying around an extra 40lbs..I feel better...I look better....and I'm not going to stop until I get where I want to be! This is my time to shine and I'm not letting myself or any YOU my supporters down! I have inspired many of you to start your own road to weight loss and I want you to know that when you have a bad day or week for that matter...don't let it get you down!!! Make that next day or next week your strongest you have ever ever had! Get out and give it 110 percent! When you feel like giving up and giving in don't! Do yourself a favor and keep your head up! Know that I'm here to support you and you can call or write anytime! I have been through many obstacles on my road to weight loss and I'm sure there not over with! But I have prevailed every time and you can too! It means alot to me when somebody tells me that I have inspired them to start on there own road to weight loss or when somebody calls me or asks me something that pertains to losing weight or feeling better about themselves. I don't have all the answer and I never will! but you can be damn sure I'm going to try my best to keep you motivated and keep you on track to your goals! Like I always say! If you want something bad enough, you will go out and give it all you got until you get it, if not you will make excuses to why you cant have it! Until next time!! Keep fighting the good fight! I'm here for YOU!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Halfway Point!!

I first started on my road to weight loss in Jan of 2010 and this week marks not only the three month point but also my halfway point! I'm down 39lbs and plan on losing at least another 40lbs! It has been a very long and hard road so far, but let me tell you its been worth it! I feel the best that I ever have and I cant believe the change myself! I have been told that I have inspired many to start there own road to weight loss. If that is the case I'm very flattered and very proud of all of you! I never thought I would see the day when I was below 300lbs again! I had more then enough excuses to why I couldn't make it to the gym or why I couldn't eat healthy!! If you have started your own road to weight loss I encourage you to keep at it!! some days will be harder then others and your going to feel like crashing! but don't give up!! hang in there and keep giving it your all!! I am in a size 38 pant now and I have been wearing some XL shirts!! I also recently brought 2 pairs of uniforms to the tailor to have them taken in!!! yes shrunk!!! I cant even begin to tell you how good it felt to walk in there and tell them to go ahead and shrink um up!!! I want to tell you all if I can do it you can do it!!! I'm well on my way and you can be too!!! Hey to top it all off I have been talking to a special lady!!! Life is good people!! keep shrinking the waistline and stay in touch!!! I'm here for YOU!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Just a little update on things


I must say things are going pretty well for me! I'm still losing weight and feeling great! I started jogging after work about 3 or 4 weeks ago and let me tell you!!! I never thought I would be able to say I Herb Duggan can jog never mind jog 2.2 miles without stopping!!! I still have to work on my breathing a little bit because I've still been getting cramps.. but its nothing that's holding me back!! I signed up for the Jay Lyons 5k road race today and It was a great feeling! I cant wait to get out there and hit the streets! I still continue to get compliments and support from family and friends and it means alot!!! It's what keeps me going!! As far as anybody who has reached out to me recently for some encouragement or guidance in regards to your own road to weight loss, do what I said and don't look for excuses to why you cannot do it! get out there and give it all you got!! even if its for a half hr! Make little changes that will lead to big changes and better health!! and to those of my friends already well on there was down the road to weight loss, keep up the work!! I 'm very proud of you!!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Its a great day to be alive!

In the past few weeks I have accomplished something I never even thought I could do, and that is jog more then 10 feet without passing out! It was just last week when I started jogging and this week I have completed a whole 2 miles without stopping!! It does help when you have a partner such as Chris Cherry or Chief Desrosiers but regardless solo or with a partner I have been getting out there and giving it all I've got! Now onto the weight issue! I have been weighing myself about every other week and most times I have been very happy with the results! Well this past weigh in I was down 2lbs! I sat there in disappointment in the locker room saying to myself "I ONLY lost 2lbs..?" well after a long day of thinking about ONLY losing 2lbs I thought... Why am I so hard on my self for ONLY losing 2lbs? I came to the conclusion that I would no longer consider any weight loss to be "ONLY" x amount of lbs because any weight off your body is a good thing whether its 1 or 10lbs it is still weight that you will not have to carry around anymore!!! Over the last few months I've had many people tell me I'm an inspiration to them and they even went as far as hiring Andy or going to the Gym on there own. Well if it wasn't for all you people giving me support and inspiring me to give 100 percent then I would probably still be making excuses to why I cant work out or lose weight! So with that being said and learning from that experience I wish you all would just stay away from the scale and only go on it once in a while maybe once or twice a month! Its good to know how much you lost but it also will make you upset if you get on it and there is no weight loss!! but that doesn't mean there was no progress!!! Your making your body stronger!!! your clothes start to fit better!!! and your doing a good thing by getting in shape!!! Soo all of you out there keep fighting the good fight your all doing a hell of a job!!! Feel free to get in touch with me if you need guidance or support!!! Thanks again for all your SUPPORT!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

End of Week 8 !

Well tomorrow marks the end of week 8 and my 2 month mark! There was a point where I wanted to throw in the flag and just say "fuck it" because that was the easiest thing to do and hell its alot easier to just say "fuck it" and just be lazy! Well you know what?!! I have never felt so good in my entire life and I actually can't wait to hit the gym each and every day! Its a rush like no other to get you heart racing and your blood pumping! I can remember the day when I walked into Old Navy looking to buy a new outfit..Soo I walked over to the button down shirts and found one I liked.. I slipped it on and started to button it up..Well I made it about 2 buttons up and Its started to get tight as if I was going to burst at the seems... I couldn't believe it....My favorite place to shop and I cant even fit into there clothes anymore... I was pretty depressed but yet I still managed to find excuses to why I couldn't go to the gym and eat healthier..It was always easier to say "Well I'll start next Monday, that way I'll start on a new week" well any of you who are saying this or have said something similar.. your full of shit..because you and I both know when Monday comes its gonna be next week because you happen to find something better to do! There comes a time when you have to put the excuses aside and take the bull by the horns!! Believe me when I say.. I was the worst when it came to excuses and I had them all!!! Look at me now I'm 2 months into I'm down almost 30lbs and I feel GREAT!!!! So let me leave you with this in ending... IF I CAN DO IT YOU CAN DO IT!!!! Quit with all the excuses and get out there!!! Hell give me a call I'll go for a run with you!!! I would also like to commend Cherry for saying goodbye to 290 this week!!! Colleen T for giving it all she has with Andy!!! and Pamos for giving it all she has with Andy as well!!! I'm very proud of all you!!! Keep up the Good Work!

Monday, March 8, 2010